FSRA 2016 ABM Minutes
FSRA Minutes: Annual Business Meeting November 17, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:21pm by President, Pete Winzig. Pete welcomed everyone and gave credit for the pre-meeting meal to John Hunter, fellow Firelands referee and Board member.
After sharing greetings and comments to the membership, Pete turned the meeting over to Ron Galauner for a Treasurer’s report. Ron noted receipts of $4380 and expenses of $3247. The $1133 surplus is being used for mentoring and building a “rainy day” fund for the FSRA as recommended by a neighboring referee organization.
Rob Spies reported the website has been updated and current. Questions used to go to a “black hole” and will now go to Rob’s email. We are resurrecting a “calendar” in addition to our bulleted list of events and will experiment in 2017 with a membership type of “blog” to bounce ideas and questions off of one another. Finally we are planning on bringing back monthly meetings and hope to work with Ohio North so they credit toward training hours.
Additionally, Rob reported to the membership the results of a “pilot” USSF (travel) mentoring program in Bay Village that had been suggested at the 2015 ABM. The goal was to help new referees with their first few assignments by answering questions, proving support for that first match and ideas on what went right and what to focus on down the road. Mentors were paid $20 for a match by the FSRA and Rob encouraged everyone in attendance to reach out to their travel assigner and offer to mentor the newer referees in their neighborhood.
In Joe and Tim’s absence, Rob reported:
(Joe): 1400+ assignments and only two no-shows. Reminder: Contracts are between the referee and the school once a match has been accepted.
(Tim): red cards must be reported to Tim. This year we had three fights after a match had ended. Tim is working to develop a mentoring program for the High School group to help Level 2’s advance to Level 1 and also help Level 1’s improve. Specifics on the mentoring program levitra 5mg dose will be announced at the first “Local Rules Meeting” in July.
Trustee’s Report: John spoke on behalf of the FSRA Trustees and declared the books correct after reviewing them prior to the ABM.
The FSRA then voted to approved the recommended slate as no additional nominations came from the floor. The vote was unanimous and resulted in the following:
President: Pete Winzig
Vice President: Frank Sanabria
Treasurer: Ron Galauner
Secretary: Rob Spies
OHSAA Secretary: Tim Church
Trustee: John Hunter
After several motions and seconds to adjourn the meeting ended with a unanimous vote.