FSRA 2017 ABM Minutes

Below you will find the minutes from the recent Firelands Referees Association Annual Business Meeting.  Thanks to Pete Winzig for covering during my vacation.  Rob Spies


FSRA Board Meeting Minutes:  Sunday, November 19th, 2017

LCCC Norton Culinary Center


Board of Directors:  Pete Winzig, Frank Sanabria, Tim Church, Ron Galauner, Chris Sabo, John Hunter  Guests:  Ken Van Wagnan, Joe Blackham  Excused:  Rob Spies, Brad Dolan

Attendence:  FSRA Members and guests

After some distraction with the fire alarm, Pete called the meeting to order at 7:36pm.


President:  Pete thanked the attendees for coming out to the annual meeting.  The group by way of applause thanked John Hunter for the delicious meal.  Pete reported the Association is healthy, growing and respected in the community.  https://www.cialissansordonnancefr24.com/cialis-20mg-prix/ He thanks the members for their commitment to learn, efforts, professionalism and camaraderie.

Secretary:  Pete provided update in Rob’s absence.  Website is up to date.  Mentoring completed for 2017.  The Board of Directors was pleased with success of mentoring, and recommends continuing in 2018.  On behalf of the Membership, Pete thanked Ken for securing additional funding from OHTSL to offset some of the Mentoring expenses.

Treasurer:  Ron provided a YTD recap of financials.  Current YTD balance is $4,459.25. 2017 Income was $3,705.00 (new referees & OHSAA FSRA membership), Outflow was $2,936.25 (mentoring, Board fees, LCCC rental, Youth Mentoring, Association expenses) = net gain $768.75.  FSRA has 52 paid HS referees.  Ron mentioned a number of referees received matches, even though they are not paid members of Firelands, in line with OHSAA requirements.

Trustees:  Speaking on behalf of the Trustees, Chris Sabo said the Trustees have reviewed the Association financials, and find them to be in order.  The Treasurers report was approved.

OHSAA: Tim provided an overview of the Fall 2017 season.  He said he only received one complaint from a school, followed up, and managed the situation.  The school asked not to have a certain referee back at the school, and Tim agreed.  Tim and Brian Asp provided an overview of the HS Referee Observation program.  Working together, 7 officials were observed.  By all accounts, the program was considered a success, and with some minor modifications, will be continued in 2018.  Tim mentioned a number of new referees have been identified for HS 2018 season, and the Association will be reaching out to them.  Our goal is 55 active referees. He encouraged the membership to always be recruiting and seeking out new referees to join Firelands.  Training classes will be held late July, early August – and once finalized, will be posted on the FSRA Website.

OHSAA Assigning:  Joe provided an overview of the Fall 2018 season.  2,000 positions were filled, with 100% participation (no “no-shows”). Joe said he was very pleased with the effort by the referees.  He mentioned a number of schools contacted him saying some of the referees were using electronic communication headset devices, and that they felt it showed professionalism by Firelands (very well received). Joe felt the Association should further investigate the use of headsets, as it sends a very positive message to schools, fans, players and coaches.  Joe said no schools contacted him unhappy with their assigned referees, and that he works hard to “match up” the centers and AR’s with the level of competition.  Joe said he also assigned over 2,500 USSF positions, with little to no drop outs/revisions, other than weather related changes.

2018 FSRA Slate of Officers & Vote: Frank presented the recommended slate of officers for the upcoming year.  Reelected by floor vote, unopposed: Peter Winzig – President, Frank Sanabria – Vice President, Rob Spies – Secretary, Trustees – Brad Dolan – 3-year term.  Alex Casey was nominated for OHSAA Secretary, as was Tim Church.  Both spoke at length on their vision and goals for the position.  Once completed, a ballot vote was taken, reviewed by Frank and Trustees – Tim Church was reelected to serve as OHSAA Secretary.

New Business:  John Tally presented the idea of FSRA Electronic headset devices.  He explained how he has come to enjoy using them, and the positive feedback from other referees.  Many in the room agreed, and said players and coaches have responded positively to the use of them.  John said there a number of pricing and quality options.  He agreed to provide the make/model and recommendation to the Board of Directors to consider use in 2018.

Firelands ACT:  Pete introduced a new concept for the Board and Members to consider, currently called ACT. ACT is a best practices program designed to have everyone in Firelands “ACT” the same – in dress, mechanics, talks, signals, on/off field, etc.  The idea is to capture best practices from “the best of the best NE” Ohio referees, put them in a training program and share them will all of our referees. A=Attitude and Appearance, C=Communications and Camaraderie, T=Teamwork and Trust. When asked, a referee can say “I learned this in Firelands”.  Pete to set up a committee to develop further and share with the members once developed.  All were asked to think about best practices they have encountered, and share with Pete/Committee.

Adjourn:  There being no more business to discuss, motion made by Chris, seconded by Frank and the Annual Meeting was adjourned at 9:11pm.

Respectfully submitted for review – Peter Winzig 11/26/17