FSRA 2018 ABM Minutes

Annual Business Meeting 11-11-18

Pete W. called the meeting to order at 7:10pm
Present: 26 members were in attendance (25 HS/USSF and 1 USSF for voting purposes)

Pete Winzig: President’s Report:
Pete opened with a communication device discussion as the organization discussed moving in that direction at the 2017 ABM.
-Tim C found he did not like them and explained why.
-John J said mechanics suffer
-Gary R shared vocabulary is important
-The balance of the discussion was focused on their value.

Pete also shared the following:
-Thanked the Board of Directors
-Congratulated new referees
-Worked on HS best practices FSRA published this year
-Plans to repeat our “live” referee night like the Avon event.
-Reminded everyone to recruit referees for 2019

Frank Sanabria: Vice President’s Report: n/a

Ron Galauner: Treasurer’s Report
-Ron reported the FSRA finances:
Incoming: $3,290
Expenses: $2,406
Positive: $884
-Ron reported the positive was roughly $600 too high due to the fact we did not mentor any High School referees this year when $600 was budgeted.

Brad D motioned we accept the Treasurer’s report; Roger D seconded and the motion passed.

Rob Spies: Secretary’s report
-Rob reported the following:
-Website Updated:
-Cleaned up outdated info
-Notes to FSRA now go to Rob’s email for quick replies.
-Looking to resurrect our FSRA Meetings this year there is interest.
-Mentoring: 14 young or newer USSF referees were mentored this year at Bay and Westlake tournaments!

OHSAA Assigner report:
-Pete reported on behalf of Joe B.
-100% coverage -Thank you!
-Everyone had roughly the same number of assignments in Joe’s attempt to be fair.
-Fewer complaints in 2018
-Assigned 4th officials in the district for playoff games
-Working to raise fees; some success out west
-Next year: No changes to report
-Bill M asked if the game fees could be added to the Arbiter like GCA

Tim Church: OHSAA Secretary report
-Tim thanked everyone for his great run and shared nobody was mentored this year due to personal issues.

John Hunter, Brad Dolan and Chris Sabo: Trustees report.
-Chris reported the Trustees reviewed the finances and the Treasurer’s report was satisfactory with all three Trustees.

Board Voting:
-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer: No motions from the floor so Pete, Frank, Ron and Rob retained their roles.

-OHSAA Secretary: John Hunter was recommended and Ben M nominated John Talley. Both nominees had a chance to share their ideas about what they would bring to the role. After a paper vote the Trustees and VP Frank reported John Hunter was elected.

-Trustee: Chris Sabo was recommended and Tim Ulewicz volunteered to run as well. After a paper vote Trustees (John and Brad) and VP Frank reported Chris was re-elected.

-John Hunter resigned his role as Trustee with one year remaining in his term. Mike Rebholz, Matt Richey and John Jovanovski were nominated. After a paper vote the Trustees (Chris and Brad) and VP Frank reported John Hunter was elected.

Tim Church parting comments:
-Tim resigned his role tonight and shared it was bittersweet. His number one goal while serving as OHSAA Secretary was to the best interests of FSRA and its membership.
-The Board and membership thanked Tim with a resounding applause.

New Business:
-Matt R suggested the FSRA have a Rules Interpreter. After discussion the group agreed and Pete said the Board would make it a priority this year and work to appoint someone.
-A motion was formally made by Matt R and Pete W seconded it to appoint a Rules Interpreter this year and the motion passed.

Rob S motioned to adjourn after no further business was discussed and John H seconded; the motion passed and the group adjourned to continuing a terrific meal prepared by John Hunter.